We may think that our home insurance policy covers everything in our home, or should, since that’s what we have homeowners insurance for. However, this is not the case! There are many things that aren’t covered under a basic homeowner’s insurance coverage. To ensure that you are fully protected, let’s take a look at some of the most common oversights.
Common issues that aren’t covered
There are some common issues when it comes to living in your home that isn’t covered by homeowner’s insurance, much to many people’s surprise. For example, regular wear and tear (which would require maintenance) aren’t covered by insurance at all. Any maintenance that you would need will have to be paid out of pocket. And honestly, if you don't do regular home maintenance then larger issues/damages could arise and that likely won't be covered either. Check out some of the major causes of home damage to get you a head start.
Another aspect of home ownership not covered by classic insurance is any damage by bugs, rodents, and birds. Since these often require specialists for extermination, etc., you’ll also need to pay for these things entirely out of pocket. Again, not treating regularly, especially in the great state of Texas, is a mistake for sure!
A lot of your expensive items, full value of all of them, are not covered under home insurance, either. For example, high-end artwork, expensive jewelry, and other valuables. These often require additional insurance called floaters or riders. If you have priceless and extremely expensive items, this is something very important to consider in case of a fire, flood (if you have coverage for it), or other disaster that require you to make a claim.
Other coverage gaps
Above are the most common gaps in homeowners’ coverage for “normal” things. However, there are additional gaps, such as flooding. Whether it be from groundwater or a hurricane, anything that causes flooding your home (and the immense damage that it causes) requires specific coverage. Mold and its expensive repairs also require additional coverage.
If you are having construction done on your property somewhere, you’ll want to have construction insurance so that any damage or injury is covered. This is not covered by classic home insurance.
In fact, some kinds of animal bite attacks aren’t covered, either.
Lastly, stolen or damaged cash/coins are not automatically covered under home insurance. You’ll have a difficult time getting insurance for that, which is why most will put it in a fireproof safe or something similar!
Throwing one more wrench is understanding your replacement value, because there may be gaps on what your coverage is versus what things are worth!
What do I do now?
Every homeowner’s needs are different, and it’s understandable if you’re feeling overwhelmed on what you need coverage for and how much. For a personalized approach, call your local independent insurance agent like Harbour Insurance Services and talk to us about your policy’s exceptions and discuss what add-ons are best for you, your home and your family's needs. We would love to be sure that you and your family are properly covered from cars and your home to boats, atvs, toys and more.
When it comes to home insurance, you will know best what is best for your home and expectations and we know all about the policies and can pair it all together. You’ll always want to know before something happens, not afterward, right?
It’s typical to expect that a home insurance policy includes, well, everything. When you see these common and uncommon things that it doesn’t cover, it really helps you to understand just how important it is to know what is or isn’t covered. Also, it helps to know how you can add coverage for those skipped-over areas that you decide you do want coverage on.
Contact Harbour Insurance Services at (281) 520-4090 and let's set up a review or see how we can help you with your personal insurance needs.