Workers Compensation Insurance for League City Businesses

Every business owner wants to have a workplade that is protected to give your company peace of mind as well as your employees. Not to mention that as a business, you have an obligation to ensure a safe work place. While Texas law may not require businesses to have workers compensation insurance, if you don’t provide workers’ compensation coverage, you lose the legal protection against most lawsuits. This means an injured employee can sue you over a workplace injury or illness. So, you do math.
Why buy workers compensation insurance?
Workers comp insurance can provide your business coverage that can protect you from the aforementioned unpredictable work injuries or illnesses.
Work comp benefits can be obtained for the worker no matter who is at fault. Should a worker be injured in the workplace, medical expenses and income replacement may be necessary.
How does this benefit League City business owners?
- Reduces injuries and losses
- Reduces medical and disability costs
- Reduces policy adjustments
- Reduces premium costs
While work comp insurance may sound confusing, we understand it and can review your business and potential workers compensation needs and provide you with the best course of action for your business. Of course, we will also explain the coverage to you and/or your employees so you all understand how this coverage works.
If you are ready to discuss your work compensation needs, review what you currently have or have some questions about the coverage, contact Harbour Insurance Services today and we can help you with any questions or concerns you may have. We take a proactive approach to our League City businesses needs and workers comp challenges and we will work hard to see how we can reduce your insurance costs, as well as your risk, therefore saving you money and potential issues in the future.