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What is Uninsured Motorist Coverage & Why Should I Get It?

Get uninsured motorist to protect your livelihood when others don't protect themselves

There are so many types of insurance out there that no one could blame you if you were a little fuzzy on some of them. If you’re uncertain of just what uninsured motorist coverage is, or you’re considering adding it to your policy, here are the specific details you’ll want to know about what it is and why you should ensure that you do in fact, get it!

What is uninsured motorist coverage?

This insurance protects you if you are in an accident involving an uninsured driver. While insurance is legally required in Texas, not all drivers keep theirs up to date. If someone with no insurance hits you, you would normally be responsible for paying for the repairs since they don’t have a policy to cover it,, regardless. That stinks and not fair, but that is another reason why we suggest covering your assets, and getting this coverage.

In many cases, you can get uninsured motorist coverage with underinsured coverage. This is coverage for those whose policies don’t have enough coverage to pay for damages in a major accident. The minimum coverage in Texas can be enough in many cases, but you don't want to rely on that in case there is a major accident and you have to come out of pocket to pay for the amount over your minimum.

Is uninsured motorist coverage required?

In Texas, uninsured motorist coverage is not required by law. It is considered an optional add-on to your auto policy. Many are tempted to skip it if they are looking for a simple way to save some money on their monthly or yearly car insurance premiums.

It’s always up to every driver to decide what is best for their lifestyle and budget, but you’ll want to read below about why you should strongly consider uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. And check with your local independent insurance agent for more specific and personalized information!

Should I get this extra coverage?Be sure you are fully protected in case of a major vehicle accident

There are many reasons why most insurance agents will strongly recommend that all drivers get this kind of insurance. And none of them are related to getting a higher premium out of you!

First, this kind of coverage protects your pocketbook from additional costs from an accident you caused, as well as out of pocket costs should your minimum coverage limits not be enough to cover your vehicle damage or medical bills for you and those in your vehicle after an accident. Let insurance do it's job, that's why you have it, to protect you in case of an accident, regardless of who is at fault.

Second, many policies use this add-on to cover hit-and-run-related damages, medical bills, and pain and suffering. A hit-and-run is extremely serious for the responsible driver, of course, but that’s more from a legal standpoint. Regardless of that outcome, your vehicle is still damaged, and you could potentially still be injured -- all of that would normally come out of your pocket.

Finally, uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage can give you peace of mind if your funds are tight. Since car repairs and medical bills are expensive (to say the least), knowing that you are protected no matter what might happen in an accident can give you comfort and peace when you and your family head out on the road.

While this add-on may bump up your premiums a tiny amount, its benefits far outweigh its drawbacks to your budget. Do your part to protect your long-term financial health by adding uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage to your auto policy as soon as possible! It’s one of those things you’d rather have in place before you need it rather than after the fact.

Contact the insurance specialists at Harbour Insurance Services today to get you a free quote and let us help you with your personal insurance coverage needs. Call us at (281) 520-4090 today.